This page was last edited on 07/10/2021.

Framework: Business introducers are intermediaries between potential buyers and Eazitron. They recommend Eazitron (& Eazimed) software to their friends, family, colleagues, acquaintancies, ... and earn a commission on the sale in return. Eazitron operators and the business introducer will sign a contract with all the terms and details in order to execute this agreement.

Conditions: The commission is due to the business introducer for sales over 299€. Moreover, the buyer should not ask for a refund within the 14 days period following the sale (see our refund policy). Please note that teh business introducer must communicate the name of the buyer in order to claim the sale - and the commission.

Commission: The commission is fixed to a percentage of 10% of the sale amount.

Payment schedule and methods: We will pay the amount via bank transfer within a period of 45 days (14 days refund period following the sale + 30 days).